by | Dec 27, 2022 | Events, Loving Life

I like to look at every new year as 365 new opportunities! So many new exciting chapters in my book of life! I always start the year in the right headspace and that means letting go of the previous year and all that happened (the good and the not-so-good) so I am vibrationally ready!


Spending time reflecting on the previous year is a great way to reconcile. I celebrate what I’ve achieved and feel gratitude for all that I have. I consider the challenges I’ve experienced that made me stronger. I also re-evaluate the opportunities where I could have done things differently. This is part of evolving as a human and important for growth. #lifelessons


I set myelf up with a positive start of the year so I’m kicking goals and keeping motivated. I’ve always loved being organised. It’s one of my favourite things to do. I even have a paper diary or three! I set myself up for success with a neat and tidy TO DO list with little boxes on the side. Every day, I look over the list and tick off a completed task. For me, it makes it so much easier to get s*&%! done, particularly with my current menopausal brain fog (if it’s not written down, it doesn’t get done). #sosatisfying


What do you want to achieve this year? For me, I find a word that becomes my beacon. I write it out in a creative way and put it on my desk so I can see it every day. The word is inspirational (to you). A word that motivates you to keep going. This words becomes part of your purpose for the whole year. If you are more of a spontaneous type of person do not worry! You can always change your word or add new ones throughout the year.

I am excited to share my word for 2023 this week …Stay tuned! #inspirational

I’ve got big plans for my year ahead so I’m excited to continue my roller coaster ride of life open-hearted and inspired.

Love and Peace


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