Did anyone watch the story last night on SBS Dateline about Fairtrade?
Very interesting. I’d like to find out more. I think I have taken for granted that this system is working for the people who need it most. But is it?
I’ve always had a view of buying local first and Fairtrade second. This article has now got me questioning the process – which I think is good. We need to always question what is working and what is not, because sometimes we can do things better!
Did you know – the first Fairtrade labelling scheme was launched in the Netherlands in 1988, with the idea quickly being copied elsewhere in Europe, North America and Japan.
The different organisations came together as Fairtrade International in 1997, based at Bonn in Germany. Australia’s Fairtrade website is here.
To find out more, check out the Dateline article/video and feel free to comment here.