A play on words can be a play on life…

by | Jun 5, 2012 | Events

A friend of mine asked me where a pet shop get’s their puppies from seeing as they had a (very small) sign on their window that said WE DO NOT SUPPORT PUPPY FARMING.

In search of the answer I went to the expert!

Debra Tranter, founder of Oscars Law (see previous blog), responded “Registered breeders do not sell to pet shops, it is against their code of ethics to do so.  The only place a pet shop can purchase litters of puppies is a puppy factory or a backyard breeder.  The pet industry call puppy factories/ farms “Breeding Establishments” therefore they can state they don’t buy from puppy factories.  It’s simply a play on words.

Makes you wonder?  Makes me worry.

Oscar’s Law is a very simple campaign: it enables everyone to make a stand and tell the Government that “We do not want companion animals factory farmed anymore”

and “We no longer want the pet industry to mislead us about what is acceptable for our animals”.

You can help fight the genocide in Australia’s pounds, promote rescue organisations and shelters as the first option to adopting, and change the way Australians adopt their pets. Adoption is the intelligent alternative to impulse buying. No puppy factory whether it is ‘clean’, ‘model’, ‘state of the art’ or otherwise is the answer for mans best friend.

*images thanks to Oscars Law

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