Acai Bead necklaces straight from the Amazon!

by | Apr 3, 2012 | Loving Life, Products

I love colourful accessories – probably because I wear a lot of black!

One of my favourite meaningful fashion stores, Origèn, sells these gorgeous Acai beads necklaces in a variety of beautiful colours.

Acai berries have been harvested by indigenous Brazilians in the Amazon as part of their diet for hundreds of years.  We all know that the Acai berry is very popular right now as a super-food.  But did you know that after processing the berry for pulp and juice, the remaining seed can be recycled?

They are dried out, coloured and hand strung – creating fabulous beads for necklaces and bracelets! A great eco-friendly way to use the “leftovers” and create jobs.  Meaningful products and business at it’s best!  I now have a collection and love them (and want more)!

Origèn owner, Rose Marie Stirling, is a kindred spirit having a meaningful philosophy and having traveled extensively to many foreign and exotic locations.  For almost twenty years she has shared her passion with us through her diverse range of meaningful products in her store.  Each piece has a story.  She believes in fair and ethical trade and the dignity of labour. The team are proud to work with companies who share these principles.

Meaningful jewellery with a story behind the story provided by a meaningful business.  My. Bliss.  

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