Bees are so hot right now!

by | Feb 17, 2012 | Food, Loving Life, Products

I love bees!  They work hard, collecting pollen and making all that honey for us all to enjoy (not that they know that!).  I love that they have a little bum dance they perform.  It’s true!  Bees do their famous waggle dance when they want to tell hive mates where to find a good source of food and other resources.  A beekeeper told me so.

When I found out about a fabulous company who has brought beehives to Melbourne suburbs and city, I was so excited.  Urban beehives are popular around the world – cities such as Paris, New York and closer to home, Sydney and Melbourne are following the trend.  And it makes me feel like nature is doing what is meant to be doing closer to home.

You also have the exciting opportunity to sponsor a hive!  How awesome would that be for some unique team building!  Get busy like a bee, get coated up in a special outfit, learn how to handle the bees and the best yet – name your queen!  Mine would be called Miss Meaningful of course.

But there are other options to help support this amazing business who are doing their part to ensure nature is taken care of in our urban areas.  You could adopt a hive however this is very popular with a waiting list of 200 people to do this so you may have to wait.  Or you could just purchase the honey, knowing that a bee that just buzzed past you could have been part of making the honey you are eating.  This really connects us to our food source!

Melbourne City Rooftop Honey is doing us proud and sharing the love around the suburbs and city of Melbourne.  And what is so interesting is the different flavours of each suburb!

I’ve got North Melbourne right now and it’s sweet and rich – delicious.  A meaningful gift for a meaningful friend!

If you want to buy some of this delectable liquid gold visit their website or one of the many wonderful stores who sell it.

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