Darling, you’re different!

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Events, Loving Life, Travel

Having embraced my unique approach to life, I will continue doing things my way without expectations of what success ‘should’ look like. I’ve always done things in all aspects of my life because it ‘feels’ right (for me).

As I share in my memoir, I went through a lot of challenges that lead me down a path to despair. I questioned everything. It was a time of deep reflection that lead to a life-changing discovery… I can do whatever I want with my life my way. I do not have to follow the status quo. I embraced my past and I am now open to the potential of the beautiful life that I want. That’s called freedom.

I’m more determined to continue working on my dreams and creative passions as well as building my skills for the future. I am excited about the potential. I love learning and evolving.

Learning is much fun!

What I love most about my learning design work is the diversity. I work with different businesses and people on so many unique projects. I am constantly challenged to learn from the subject matter experts (SMEs) and find a way to bring the required learning to life. It’s exciting to work on different projects and I love being able to use my creativity in all the work I do.

With the world changing so rapidly, particularly with remote working the norm now, I’m wondering what the future hold for learning. This year I’ll be diving deeper into how I can diversify and expand my skills to meet the demands of future learning. How exciting is that? I get to constantly evolve with this career. And, it gives me the freedom to do my other projects such as blogging, writing, learning French, as well as other artistic endeavours. I’m also about to start building the framework for my next book and I’ve got a few other fun ideas in the pipeline (stay tuned). Plus, wanderlust is brewing for me in 2023!

Are you loving your career? Send me a message anytime I’m always up for a chat!

Love and peace


Want to buy my book Wanderlust and Misadventures? $1.00 of every book sold will be donated to StreetSmart Aust to make a meaningful difference.

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