Doing the Hokey Pokey in Bali

by | Apr 14, 2013 | Loving Life, Travel

IMG_3123I was very lucky to have an opportunity to visit a school in Desa Bedulu, not far from Ubud.  It’s fun to get away from the main tourist destinations but also, for me, important to see what difference I can make in the country I visit.

I was so excited to meet the children at WINS Project Orphanage and share some much needed learning tools (thanks to those who donated!) such as ABC & Maths wall charts, a map of the world, note books, pencils, story books and more.  They sang me a lovely song and were keen to play – after the Hokey Pokey we played the Animal game which filled the air with giggles and smiles.

IMG_3110I was welcomed warmly by Katut and Nyoman, who run the school and orphanage.  They work tirelessly to ensure the project is self sufficient.  The school consists of a number of buildings surrounded by golden greenery and the sounds of nature’s orchestra. The classrooms are well designed for the environment and provide the comforts required for learning.

IMG_3111The school is completely sustainable with their own garden, recycling projects and craft work.   They also offer art classes for disabled children.

It’s quite amazing how much work goes into this school and the team there seem to work hard to ensure the children benefit now and in their future.  What I really like about this program, is that the students get their own bank account and the skills required to manage their own finances.

IMG_3119Donations are welcome such as clothing (male and female), ages 6 to 18 or any learning books.  There are also volunteer teaching and organic farming opportunities with accommodation available nearby.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child or for more information, please visit their Australian website – click here.


The WINS project consists of independent autonomous WINS associates, each of them self responsible and self sufficient.  WINS is a trust based organisation and is based on trust equality. There is no leader, there is no head office, there is no boss. What binds us is a shared vision.  Responsibility is put on the lowest level, the children.  Our job is to empower them. All WINS employees are volunteers, receiving no salary or any other compensation.

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