Empowering Women in Cambodia!

by | Mar 19, 2012 | Events, Loving Life, Travel

I don’t like it when I miss out on something.  Unfortunately I have missed the showing of this film in Melbourne but the good news is you can watch it in other States and Siem Reap!  If I had some spare cash I’d be off to Cambodia in a flash but alas, I must stay and work.

I am, however, going to share the story behind the story – because it’s meaningful.

Last June, 10 young professionals from Singapore cycled 400km from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to Siem Reap, Cambodia to raise funds for Carpets for Communities. Check out my previous blog about them.

They were all part of Gone Adventurin’, a Singapore-based initiative consisting of individuals who are united in their passion for sports and giving back to society.

The Gone Adventurin’ team’s entire expedition was captured by a film crew from LateNite Films (based in Melbourne) and made into a feature-length documentary called ‘Spinning Dreams’.

This documentary has already been shown in Phnom Penh, Melbourne, Perth, Alice Springs, Adelaide and Singapore. This month it will be shown in Brisbane as a joint event with OXFAM Australia, Launceston, and Siem Reap.  Visit the site for viewing details.

Through the project, the team already successfully raised $60,000 for Carpets for Communities (CfC).

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