It’s only Fare to Share

by | Feb 2, 2012 | Events, Loving Life, Travel, Uncategorized

Several years ago I did some volunteering with FareShare, a small NFP organisation operating without any funding from the government. I took my team there for a “team building” day and it was fantastic.  All of us spent the morning chopping, mixing, cutting, baking – generally getting our hands dirty – and loving every minute of it.  Dressed in aprons and hats, having a laugh and realising that we are making a “hands on” difference made it a special time together.

We loved every tiring minute of it.

FareShare is all about rescuing food to fight hunger.  They create and give healthy, nutritious meals to charities in Melbourne who feed the hungry and homeless using food donated by supermarkets, markets, caterers and other food businesses.

The good news is they are expanding!  Because they have been inundated with generous donations of food and volunteers they have to expand to cope with the increasing demand for meals.  Doesn’t this make you feel good – that people do care and do want to help?

They have a long waiting list of volunteers (I’m soon to be one of them) so to really help them now, consider making a donation, large or small, no matter what the amount, it will be very much appreciated and will be put to good use. It costs around 50cents to make a meal in the FareShare kitchen, so your $10 donation will be turned into 20 meals!

FareShare would greatly appreciated your help.

To make an online donation, go to or you can contact them directly on 03 9428 0044.

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