As always, I’m eager to find the truth behind everything I blog. A member of the PIAA questioned my previous blog about pet shops.
In response, I wanted to get some clarity on the policy behind pet shop sales. Janine Yeates, from Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) ensures no PIAA member can purchase from a “puppy farm”. PIAA Members can only source their puppies from either registered breeders with the Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders (AAPDB) or PIAA.
So check your pet shop’s memberships. Ask questions. WE the people need to be responsible for who we purchase pets from. It comes down to responsibility, accountability and ownership of our decisions. If buying a pet, ask the question, where did he/she come from? Seek answers and ask for evidence.
What I don’t want is to cause responsible pet shops any issues if they are supporting ethical establishments and following appropriate protocols.
Here is a section from the PIAA’s Traceability and Rehoming Policy that helps clarify their position.
It’s a complex issue. I still support Oscars Law’s focus on abolishing the factory farming of companion animals. And I strongly believe in adoption. Any sort of pet is a privilege to have in our lives as they give us so much. I cannot and will not accept or support mistreatment of any animal.
United we can work together to make a difference – all we have to do is communicate, educate and speak up. Want to know more? Feel free to comment or email if you would like further clarity or discussion.