Kite Patch Will Save Lives!

by | Jul 29, 2013 | Products

This is history in the making!  I do tend to get excited by various products but this is my new favourite. This is the revolution we need to help prevent malaria.  When visiting Africa it always amazed me how one little mosquito can cause so much destruction.

I think of the quote by Dalai Lama XIV:

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 7.39.49 PMThe Kite™ Mosquito Patch is a patch that allows humans to go virtually undetected by mosquitoes for up to 48 hours. The patch is small, lightweight, durable and I think rather cool looking.

The patch contains a non-toxic compounds proven to disrupt the mosquito’s ability to track humans using safe, non-toxic compounds. How cool is that?



Kite’s Big Mission is to create the first batch of Kites to be tested in one of the toughest proving grounds there is – Uganda.

Want to help?  They are crowdfunding to get the project off the ground. You have 32 days to help them raise $385,000.  They already have raised $304,000 so it’s definitely achievable.  Find out more at Indiegogo here.


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