Where’s Miss Meaningful gone?
Just like everyone else I am BUSY! It’s amazing how we catch up with people and say “How are you?” and usually the response is “Sooooo busy” or “Great, but busy…”.
So why is Miss Meaningful so busy you may ask?
Well my ‘day job’ is going very well with lots of prosperous work on (yay). But it doesn’t mean I’m not wearing my Miss Meaningful hat. Last week I found $50 which I donated to a friend who was doing her part to support fundraising for cancer in the Melbourne Ride to Conquer Cancer. I also stopped by for breakfast at a Melbourne social enterprise event (research). And I purchased an exciting pair of meaningful sandals (details to follow shortly). And of course every other day I still use social media…and dream of doing good stuff.
I may be ‘busy’ but I am grateful.