New Year, New Page…

by | Jan 30, 2013 | Loving Life, Products

Hello World!

Interestingly, it’s been such a long time since I wrote on my blog that I’m a little lost for words.  That’s so very rare for me.  What a strange feeling….I have been so caught up in other facets of my life that sitting down and writing about meaningful things has simply not happened.  However, I’m always finding new meaningful things on my walks around Melbourne.  Inspirational!  I guess we attract what we enjoy!

Here are a few teasers to get you warmed up for the year!  Exciting and meaningful plans for Miss Meaningful in 2013.  Looking forward to sharing. 🙂


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Sorry these photos are a little blurry…wonder why?winery pic

On a recent trip to the Barossa Valley, my fellow wine tasters and I were a happy to pay the $5.00 tasting fee considering all fees are donated to their very own Uganda Project. Made the wine taste that much more meaningful! Check out their website.


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The line is building in anticipation for the Who Gives A Crap Toilet Paper inauguration!  The first of it’s kind on the planet.  To say I’m busting is an understatement.

So I say SHUT THE DOOR and let’s push hard for some meaningful dunny rolls ASAP!

Check out my last post WGACTP

gMeet the new addition to my family!

This is Haiti.  She sits above my bar and gives me cute looks.  She’s made in Haiti (hence the name) out of used cement bags and discarded books.

Isn’t she gorgeous!

Purchased from Turner & Lane in Albert Park, she bring ‘life’ to art.

I also want the Elephant!

Please mention me if you buy one!


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