Pink is the new Green…?

by | Jun 22, 2012 | Products

…So says a fabulous furniture store in Melbourne CBD.  I walked past just the other day and thought “what is a GECA product?”

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) ecolabel has a certification process applied to each product’s life cycle as a comprehensive environmental impact and performance evaluation.

The Green Building Council of Australia recognises the GECA accreditation as a superior process and awards products with this ecolable 100% of points on the Green Star Calculator.   Got to love a green star!

I found that Stylecraft care.  They care about their products, the environment and their clients needs.  They are a carbon neutral business and choose to work with brands and manufacturers who have third party or independent ecolable accreditation.

How considerate and supportive of their mission is that!

And you should check out their collection – classic and creative designs that are obviously high quality.  I have my eye on a lovely purple office chair – gorgeous and meaningful!

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