Sharing the love of Loving Earth

by | Apr 7, 2012 | Food, Loving Life

My love of food has changed over the years.  I now spend time reviewing labels on products and looking to see what I am really putting in my body.  Now I love chocolate!  Chocolate makes me happy! I will shout it from my balcony – I LOVE CHOCOLATE.  It’s certainly the season for lots of it but now I choose carefully the chocolate I eat.

When I discovered Loving Earth (Australian Certified Organic and Fair Trade) a year ago I was so excited.  This company works with a range of small producer communities around the world to source only the best healthy, sustainable & fair ingredients. They even consider how to package their products to ensure freshness and the optimal level of nutrients.

One of my favourite products is Raw Organic Coconut Chocolate Butter and is hand-made in Melbourne.  It’s so delicious.

Obviously we don’t want to eat too much fat in our diet but because there are only real ingredients (no sugar and no artificial colours or flavours) you can trust you are eating quality.  It contains organic raw cacao powder, coconut butter and agave syrup.

Because the flavours are a strong, you don’t need too much.  It gives you that chocolate hit without the need to over consume. Trust me on this (I know I say that a lot but well, I’m right).  This must be a staple in your cupboard! Yum.

Meaningful food with a meaningful company – be still my beating heart.

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