Snap snap! It’s photo competition time!

by | Mar 6, 2012 | Events, Loving Life, Travel

As we all know now, I LOVE to travel.  But if I cannot go away then give me a photograph and it will make my day.  That is the beauty and pleasure of photography – it can take you to a moment in time in an instant.

So imagine my excitement when I found out People and Planet have a photographic competition on right now!  Not sure if you have seen their fabulous diaries and calendars?  I purchased many for Christmas presents.  This company really walks the walk and talks the talk.

As a social enterprise they raises funds for and promote the work of Australian environment and social justice organisations. They not only publish the diary and calendar but each photograph is accompanied by its own, unique story about one of the planet’s social or environmental challenges.  The story behind the story!

They also promote the work of their partner network of 49 Australian social justice and environment organisations – and their office operates on 100% Green Power and 100% recycled paper.  They only drink FairTrade tea and coffee and get around Melbourne using bikes, feet & public transport.  WOW!  Now that’s a meaningful business.

Ok, let’s discuss the competition:  It is open to amateur and professional photographers anywhere in the world.  So that means I can enter, you can enter and so can the fabulous professional photographers out there.  United we are with a love of photography.  Let’s do it my friends! Who’s with me?

They are looking for 53 extraordinary images of people, places or objects which tell a story about a social-justice or environment issue. Photos of almost any genre will be accepted, including portraits, landscapes, animals, objects, or any combination of these. Consider “good news” stories about social-justice or the environment too. You can submit up to 4 photos per entrant. All submitted photos must be accompanied by 3-5 sentences describing the image and the social-justice or environment issues which are raised by the photo. Photos will be assessed jointly with the accompanying description.

Your image could be printed in the diary and calendar for next year!

Let’s get snap snap snapping!

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