Summer Sandals Empowers Women in Africa

by | Sep 28, 2012 | Loving Life, Products

So excited to find out about the fabulous Sseko Designs sandals and their story.  It’s so meaningful!  I just couldn’t wait to share.  Not only are they a necessary addition to any summer wardrobe but you will be giving back to many young women in need when you buy them.


Sseko Designs is a sandal company based in Uganda. They hire recent secondary school graduates to live and work together while earning money that will go directly towards their university education. These women will not make sandals forever. They will go on to be empowered to do anything they want to do with the financial independence they hunger for.

How gorgeous are these purple ones!  They are on my wish list.

The way the partnership with the women works is they receive a regular monthly income no matter what the sales.  The wages they earn are enough to live on while putting some money away to save for their further education.

All sandals have leather bases with a layer of foam in the middle for comfort and a rubber bottom for durability.  The straps come in varying fabrics and materials such as cotton, chiffon, silk blend, raw silk, and leather, and are sourced in East Africa.  They are using African materials which is supporting the local economy.

A true ‘meaningful’ company with a story behind the product.  Another kindred spirit of Miss Meaningful!

Check out their website for more details.

PS I’m going to be having a sandal party soon so if you want to buy any of these fabulous sandals let me know! 🙂

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