
by | Dec 13, 2022 | About, Loving Life

One of my big lessons over the past few years was to let go of the idea of control. We can only control certain aspects of our lives and how we react to situations.

In my learning and development world, we call this the Circle of Concern and Influence. Stephen Covey (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People), introduced the concept a long time ago but it is still meaningful today.

The “Circle of Concern” are the things we worry about, such as the weather or a global pandemic. The “Circle of Influence” are things we have some power over, such as our work output. The “Circle of Control” is where we hold nearly all the power, such as our attitude and how we react to things that happen.

An example of this is when I was stuck overseas. I was at the beginning of a pandemic and I had no control over anything that was happening around me. All I could do was take care of myself. I could influence some aspects, such as the food I needed or preparing contingency plans if I couldn’t get back to Australia. Ultimately, what I could control, was how I reacted to the situation.

THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT: My Journey into Life’s Perfection by Michael A Singer

In the Surrender Experiment, Singer explains how letting go of the idea of control (outside of us) can positively impact our lives. Through sharing his life story, Singer gives us insights into how we can pause the worry. Pause the hustle and bustle of life. Yes, I found his story mindblowing in its simplicity. This is a wonderful example of a human surrendering fully and reaping the benefits. The beauty of it is that you can do this yourself. Anytime. Anywhere.

I won’t share anymore and let you discover it yourself. I highly recommend this book. It’s one of my favs and I often buy it for friends who I feel will connect with it.

Peace and Love


Aka Miss Meaningful

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