international year of the forest 2011

Making time to make a difference

Making time to make a difference

The juggle is real peeps. There’s always something to do, isn’t there? Sometimes the busyness is overwhelming and I just fluff about, not really getting anything done. I feel like I’m either working, cleaning, moving things from one place to another, dusting, washing,...

Darling, you’re different!

Darling, you’re different!

Having embraced my unique approach to life, I will continue doing things my way without expectations of what success 'should' look like. I've always done things in all aspects of my life because it 'feels' right (for me). As I share in my memoir, I went through a lot...



I like to look at every new year as 365 new opportunities! So many new exciting chapters in my book of life! I always start the year in the right headspace and that means letting go of the previous year and all that happened (the good and the not-so-good) so I am...

Single in the Silly Season

Single in the Silly Season

I'm really grateful for my life as it is. I'm single and I'm happy about it. At this time of year, I can do whatever I want - when I want. #singal [I'm creating a new hashtag for us single gals!] I usually find this time of year an effort. I kind of drag myself...



One of my big lessons over the past few years was to let go of the idea of control. We can only control certain aspects of our lives and how we react to situations. In my learning and development world, we call this the Circle of Concern and Influence. Stephen Covey...

My top ten meaningful gifts

My top ten meaningful gifts

Let's make a meaningful difference with our hard-earned cash. I've got a gift list just for you my dear friends. There are so many wonderful, meaningful, gifts that keep on giving - and here are my TOP TEN! For me, the best gifts are meaningful ones. Whether homemade...

The Menopause

The Menopause

I’ve found this blog post really hard to write. Mainly because I am so caught up in the middle of the menopausal hormonal imbalance that my brain fog won’t allow me to keep a thought for too long. I start to write… then my mind goes blank. It’s like the rainbow wheel...

Giving to those who need it most

Giving to those who need it most

On any given night across Australia, more than 116,000 people are homeless. That figure is close to the population of Bendigo in Victoria. Let that sink in for a moment. How on earth does this happen in a lucky country like Australia? It’s devastating and it’s getting...

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