Take, create and give back…

by | Feb 19, 2012 | Loving Life, Products

Buy WeWOOD We'll Plant A TreeTake, create and give back…the true art of a meaningful product.

I like the colours mother earth makes – greens, reds, browns, pinks and purples. Just visit the Grand Canyon at dawn in America, or experience Wadi Rum at sunset in Jordan or walk around Uluru at any time of day in Australia and see it for yourself!  Earth is breathtaking.


Natural materials make me feel connected to mother earth and also make me realise the high volume of man made materials we use on a daily basis.  Of course that’s ok because all materials have their place for consumption.  But finding alternatives really excites me – there can be so many other ways to make “things”.  I’m now so much more aware of what I wear, what I buy and what is meaningful to me.

So what do you get when you combine an eco company, creativity, some time and some good old-fashioned wood? Imagine my excitement when I discovered a company who creates gorgeous watches from nature (100% natural wood).  And for every watch that’s sold they plant a tree.  Bless them.  They are giving back to the source they use.

The story goes, in 2010, a few guys got together in America and came up with this great idea to combine their love of the environment and the art of watch making.  The designs are classic, timeless (pardon the pun) and I think handsome.  That said, they are a fabulous statement for bot the ladies and the gentlemen!  They are earth-friendly, splash-proof and come in a fabulous array of earthy colours.  Bingo!

We have partnered with WeWood so please click on the picture to connect through and peruse the styles.  I adore the green one…and the red one.  Actually I really like the beige one – this will go with everything in my wardrobe.  Let’s go shopping!

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