Today I donated….

by | Mar 8, 2012 | Events, Food, Loving Life

The Greenhouse by Joost visited today!  As mentioned before, here for a very short time only so hurry!

Did you know: Urine is incredible for nitrogen, it’s so valuable – you only need the urine of 25 people to provide fertiliser for a hectare of crop.  Check out the photo from the toilet!

The Greenhouse is about designing and operating better places for people. Natural materials and fresh food straight from the garden.


Everything is recyclable or composted. All food is made in the restaurant.  Everything is considered meaningfully!   The building’s structures support potted plants that maintain growth over time, never date, and continuously improve. Vertical Gardens by Joost are made from recycled Australian mild steel; are finished with a raw (rusted), galvanised or powder coating; and can house any variety of plants.  Did I say everything is recyclable?

The food is delicious, the atmosphere unique and the experience a must.

Check it out *souce!

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