United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)

by | Dec 6, 2022 | About, Events

I just found out there are now 9 billion people on the planet. Wow. That’s a lot of people consuming precious resources. It makes me wonder….surely, if 9 billion people can do ONE THING to contribute positively to the planet, we WILL make a meaningful difference?

The UNSDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries to come together in a global partnership.

I love the idea of Global Goals. I’m a big fan of working hard towards a goal. It is incredibly satisfying. I know it well. I loved feeling proud of myself after achieving my dream goal of writing and publishing a book.

I really really want ‘us’ to achieve the UNSDGs by the year 2030 (also known as Vision2030). It will be so exhilarating to be part of the generation that makes such a difference in the world.

“Ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.” #unsdg

The reality is we all need to act right NOW.

But how?

Be the change. Be the one who makes an impact. Be the one who encourages others to do the same.

If we don’t waste food or water at home, as well as seek innovative ways to reduce or re-use waste and increase sustainable food production – that will surely help protect the planet!

If we focus on supporting those who need our help through education, equality, and good health – that will contribute to more opportunities in the future!

If we take care of our land, our oceans, and waterways, as well as all living creatures – that will help our planet heal and prosper!

And, if people are treated with respect, kindness, and care – that will make big difference to the future of the human race!

Individually we can make a difference but UNITED we can make a HUGE difference for future generations.

My charity partner, StreetSmart, are using their work and influence to advance human rights, protect the environment, uphold labour standards, end corruption and be a force for good. And, their grant-making directly contributes to the aims of thirteen of the SDGs! Find out more about StreetSmart here. They are supporting so many amazing initiatives!

Working together will make a difference

Let’s keep the conversation going. Let’s keep doing our part at home by recycling, choosing our food quantities carefully, and reducing the waste in our homes. Reduce. Recycle. Reuse. Repurpose. Let’s keep thinking about other ways to make a difference in our lives so we can make a meaningful difference to our planet and the 9 billion humans living on it.

Love and Peace


aka Miss Meaningful

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