Why Miss Meaningful?

by | Aug 20, 2018 | About

Miss Meaningful was born from my heart. A place where I wanted to do something in this world that was, well, meaningful.

So how did this all begin?

I discovered a love of travel when I was 20 years old. Travel opened my eyes to a global community and exciting cultural diversity that changed my perspective and my life.

I’ve always loved to learn. Even when I was young with learning difficulties, I still had the appetite. Although my learning path wasn’t traditional, my hunger for learning never wavered.

It wasn’t until later in my life that I discovered a passion for being an educator. It’s been a dynamic journey of self-discovery as I work in various environments creating learning programs. I love it. This has truely been a blessed career and I am grateful for the privilege.

With a natural business acumen, I’ve always been excited by businesses who care about their people and are committed to social responsibility. We have such an opportunity to make a meaningful difference and business is one way to do this.

As my dream of making a difference evolved, so did my passion for writing and sharing the message about all things meaningful. From travel to learning and from meaningful business to social enterprise; my dedication to sharing all things meaningful is why I am reigniting my blog.

I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I do.

Peace. x

Miss Meaningful

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

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