***Book of the Week***

by | Jun 1, 2012 | Events, Food, Loving Life, Products


The Sustainable Table Book is a collection of recipes and stories from notable chefs, farmers, producers, winemakers, gardeners and everyday people who are reducing their impact on the environment by altering their food choices.

Today, everyone’s doing their part to make a meaningful difference and I love it.  This book can be judged by it’s cover – it looks good and gives even more.  All proceeds help fund Sustainable Table projects.

‘Up to 60% of our personal eco-footprint is embodied in the food that we buy.’

The small team at Sustainable Table feel that by tapping into people’s passion for food they can help to overcome today’s environmental challenges, one meal at a time.

The funded projects range from local, such as education programs and events, and international programs in developing countries such as distributing solar cookers and community savings and loans.

This amazing initiative has become an environmental not-for-profit organisation that uses food as an entrée to explore sustainability issues. Bless.

They also have fun with their fundraising efforts – check out “We’ve got the Runs in 2012” an event where you can run to raise money for Sustainable Table’s Compost Toilet project in Kenya.  I might do it, who’s with me?

Meaningful – yes!  Please sir, may I have some more?

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