The juggle is real peeps. There’s always something to do, isn’t there?
Sometimes the busyness is overwhelming and I just fluff about, not really getting anything done. I feel like I’m either working, cleaning, moving things from one place to another, dusting, washing, cooking, or walking Foxy…
People think when you don’t have kids you have a lot of spare time. The reality is that we fill our lives with other activities so nope, we are just as busy as the mums and dads. It’s just a different kind of busy.
When you’re also single, you do it all! Even when you’re sick you have to get sh*t done. Most of the time, I’m completely relaxed about it all but after a week of having Covid and a week of recovery…I am exhausted. I had a lot of help from an angel called Grace (and her partner Rico) last week, but this week I’m dragging my feet. (PS. Foxy loves my smelly socks)
Everyone has their version of a busy life. Working hard at the day job, Monday to Friday. Walking the dog morning and night. Shopping and cooking healthy meals. Household chores on the weekend. And, of course, socialising. That’s the soul-food isn’t it – the people connection?
By the way…my vote is for a 3-day weekend. Actually, I cannot wait until I’m in a position to flip that and only ‘work’ 3 x days …#dreamlifegoals

So how do I fit in family/friends, promoting my book, writing, and volunteering into this busy-bee life?
I do the best I can! Including being forgiving (of myself). Sometimes you just got to pick your battles. Unfortunately for me, writing and volunteering often fall to the bottom of the to-do list. #pivot
It’s a shame as I love volunteering. I love giving back. I love sharing my skills to help others. There is nothing more satisfying than the smile on the face of someone you helped.
It’s called the ‘helper’s high’. (I talk about it in my book). Random Acts of Kindness Foundation states on their website that according to research from Emory University, when you are kind to another person, your brain’s pleasure and reward centres light up as if you were the recipient of the good deed—not the giver.
So, when my charity partner, StreetSmart, connected me to Scarf* to help them with their training, you can imagine my excitement…. yep, effervescent joy! This is the perfect blend of volunteering my skills to a charity that is making a meaningful difference. Yes, please.
Scarf provides front-of-house hospitality training, mentoring, and paid work experience opportunities to young people (18-28 years) seeking protection, and those from refugee or migrant backgrounds facing barriers to work. #makingadifference
Now you’re wondering… what gives? How will I fit this sort of volunteer work into my busy-bee life?
I’m blocking out time in my day and letting everyone know it’s not negotiable. It’s important to me and if that means I have to flex my hours and work a little earlier, or a little later, I do it. If that means I have to give up some play time on the weekend because I’m doing something meaningful, I do it.
It’s the same as finding time to write ….or insert whatever your vocation/passion is…. If we really (really, really) want to do it, we will. Yep – something will fall down the list but that’s ok. This is life and we have to adapt, pivot, and flex (just like yoga practice!).
I guess this is what we do when we love something so much. We find a way.
A few weeks ago, I helped out at Scarf with some interviewing practice sessions and it was incredible. You could tell the trainees worked hard to prepare and they really know how to sell themselves. I wish I had a cafe I could employ them in…maybe one day! I cannot wait to spend more time with the Scarf team. Stay tuned for photos.
Well, that’s it from me.
Foxy sends a woof and a head tilt.
Take care winter bunnies!
Peace and love
Janine xo
*Scarf is a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, and there are heaps of ways you can support them. Check out their website for more details.