I am now KIND Endorsed! I’ve agreed to spread kindness and positivity by sharing 99 KIND snack bars. I’m joining Father Bob, Bronte Hendricks and Yvonne Hong (and many others) to spread kindness. KIND bars are healthy and delicious – no artificial flavours, preservatives or artificial sweeteners.
Kindness. It’s so simple and so needed in these challenging times. We all have our idea of what kindness is and I’ve noticed people sharing more stories of acts of kindness around the world.
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation mentions that according to research from Emory University, when you are kind to another person, your brain’s pleasure and reward centres light up as if you were the recipient of the good deed—not the giver. This phenomenon is called the “helper’s high.” And, kindness stimulates the production of serotonin, which is a great way to support your mental health. Bring on the giving!
So I decided to share these bars and ask the recipient what kindness means to them. Check out their responses below:

To become KIND Endorsed click here.