Gifts that grow…

by | Nov 23, 2013 | Products

I love gardens. I particularly love spending time at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. An oasis in the middle of this beautiful city!

A wonderful gift idea for this Christmas is to give a gift that grows. One company who has mastered the art of giving seeds is Sow ‘n Sow. The founder, Michelle Brady, combined a love of gardening to produce products which are not only eco-friendly but also keep on giving once the flowers grow. Sow ‘n Sow’s products are made in Australia using environmentally-friendly materials including 100% recycled paper.

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I think Billy Buttons would look fabulous sitting on the Christmas tree! This is a gorgeous Australian Native which flowers with beautiful bright yellow balls on long stems, perfect as a unique and stylish cut flower. Considering it’s already packaged for you there’s no need to wrap it up! Enjoy! 🙂

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