Meaningful Melbourne Tour and Experience

by | Feb 1, 2012 | Loving Life, Travel

Meaningful Melbourne Tour and Experience

I love Melbourne. I’ve lived here off and on for over 20 years and I now believe it’s where my heart is. It’s my base. In exploring my love of all things meaningful I realised how much this fabulous city has to offer in this realm. There is an eclectic mix of amazing places to capture your imagination of what’s meaningful and unique. This is not a tour. This is an experience, hanging out with the passionate Miss Meaningful who will share her love of Melbourne in a way never done before.

Making our way on foot through the labyrinth of Melbourne’s CBD you will meet amazing people who share my passion for all things meaningful. You’ll visit places you never knew existed and even if you did, you may not know the story behind the story. We go to the underbelly of our meaningful culture exploring places where you wouldn’t know existed. Seeing people who are working to make a difference in their way. Whether it’s a social enterprise, a not for profit or a commercial business – you will be exposed to the beauty behind many unique businesses in Melbourne.

Want to know more? I am more than happy to share but I strongly believe in experiencing without expectation and that means don’t research too much. Just come along and be part of it. I promise you it will open your eyes and your heart.

$60 per person x 2 hours (min 2 people) or
$100 per person x 4 hour (includes treats & a meaningful cup of coffee, tea or chai!)


We are happy to talk about tailoring your experience to suit your needs. Please contact us for more details.

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