NEWS FLASH: Cocoa beans made and harvested in Australia!

by | Jun 24, 2012 | Food, Loving Life, Products

So we all know that cocoa beans are the primary ingredient of chocolate, don’t we?

Cocoa beans are actually the seeds of the cocoa tree known as ‘Theobroma Cacao’.  Theobroma literally means ‘food of the gods’.  Yes of course it does 😉

But did you know that Daintree Estates chocolate is the first commercially produced chocolate to be made from cocoa beans grown in Australia?

Imagine my excitement – apart from the fact there’s another brand of chocolate for me to try – to find out that a producer of chocolate is finally here in Australia.

It’s fascinating that Far North Queensland’s climate had a range of issues that held back cocoa-growing for many years.  In the last 10 to 20 years, pioneering work and insightful research on the part of Daintree Cocoa owners, CSIRO researchers and government experts overcame these issues using innovative farming and processing approaches.

Give them an award please!

The result is what you see today; a small, thriving cocoa industry that is well established in Far North Queensland and produces fabulous single-origin, estate-origin and (from one estate) organically-certified chocolate.

Want to buy and try?  Check out their website for online purchases and stockists.

Chocolate really needs to be a regular addition to any healthy diet – peruse here for health benefits!!! Meaningful research making meaningful business for Australia.

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