Pay It Forward – 28 March 2012

by | Mar 17, 2012 | Events, Loving Life

Pay It Forward – Sharing Books

Have you ever read a book that inspired you? or Read a book that got you to take action? or
Read a book that turned your life inside out?

Have you ever given someone a gift, someone you don’t know, for no reason but to inspire them – and just to PAY IT FORWARD?  Well.  Here’s your chance.

Flash Mobs are a large group of people who gather “spontaneously” in a public place, perform an unusual act then quickly disperse. The purpose of this Book Reading Flash Mob is to create an awareness of the Pay It Forward Organisation and the work that they do globally, as well as the impact that books have on our lives. Having it at an odd time helps create the element of surprise for those not participating.

There is no cost – it is a 30 minute commitment and time to have some fun giving!  Check out our Facebook page and click on Events for more information or email me at ninipops at if you wish to get involved.

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