This is a Chinese Proverb. “If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.”

by | Feb 24, 2012 | Events, Loving Life, Products

And it’s the same for women Chinese Proverb makers!

I have this gorgeous little rug in my bathroom.  It’s made out of recycled t-shirts.  What I love most is it’s hand-made with love and care.  Some very special mothers of impoverished families in Cambodia with children that are at risk of child labour and human trafficking have been given an opportunity to make change their world.

These women work with Carpets for Communities who empower them with skills and confidence to then start their own businesses.  By earning an income, it enables their children to attend school and in tern improving the whole families future.  This is a true meaningful charity – breaking the cycle of poverty and making a difference.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these gorgeous carpets I can vouch for the quality.  I’ve had one now for over a year and I can wash it in the washing machine.  The colours are still vibrant and is so easy to vacuum/clean.  I have just purchased another one  (made by Soun Sam – thank you!) as I want one for my office.  I tend to work bare footed and I love the feel of the t-shirt material under my feet – so soft and comfy – bliss.  It’s also a constant reminder for me of my commitment of spreading the word about all things meaningful.

A meaningful cause that is selling meaningful products and giving whole families a new life.  Good.

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