While on the roller-coaster-ride-of-life…giving makes me feel GOOD

by | Jul 2, 2012 | Events, Loving Life

With all the ups and downs of the world I’m feeling like I’m on a crazy roller-coaster.

My life is filled with so many good things that I’m daily grateful for but I am also human so sometimes I feel, just plain ‘blah’ about it all.  However, I find that doing good for someone else lifts my spirits and takes away my little pity-party-for-one.

Oxfam Australia and I are kindred spirits.  They are challenging the idea that young (and the young at heart) Australians are “all about me”.  Many really do care about others and want to make a difference.  So they have created 3things  – providing real opportunities for anyone to get involved in ways that are meaningful to them.  They ask the question: what are 3things that you can do to help change the world?… building a movement for global goodness.

I know there are people who do many good things but don’t want the accolades.  But, sometimes we want to know about it – and sometimes we need to know all the meaningful and good stuff that’s going on in the world.  So I say, please share it!

United we can all make meaningful changes in the world!  Yes the roller-coaster will continue, there will be ups and downs.  But when there’s goodness, let’s celebrate it and remember it for this will get us through the bad times.

Here’s an example of a 3things contributor – good on you Clare!

Want to join?  Visit 3things and get ready to share your goodness!

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