I love to travel!

by | Mar 1, 2012 | Loving Life, Travel

I’m itching to go somewhere so in my recent “research” of lands far away I discovered a website who supports properties that are making efforts to be environmentally friendly.  Bingo!

There are hotels around the world doing their part to ensure guests stay in a place that’s sustainable.  This is meaningful travel at it’s best.

The website gives a 1 – 5 Green Eco-Leaf Rating (and an environmental friendly rating) after the hotel has completed a comprehensive Online Environmental Self-Audit. The property’s assessed on their compliance with over 70 unique eco-initiatives. Environmentally friendly measures that are reviewed include energy efficiency, water conservation, recycling, environmentally safe cleaning, reduction of waste, ongoing maintenance, purchasing habits, plus many other factors.  Note: not all of the hotels have completed the audit and won’t have an eco rating so keep that in mind.  There is a bit of work to do in your research but it’s a very interesting exercise.

Consider Mexico and the Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park – All Inclusive is located in the city of Playa del Carmen. It been awarded five stars and 4 Green Eco-Leaf Rating.  Check out this view!
¡Qué día más bonito!

There’s a blog on the site too.  At the moment there’s a post about Sydney’s city program, “Sustainable Sydney 2030,” that aims to improve the environment, among many other goals, and get people connected within the community!  Enjoy.


Check out iStayGreen.  You may find that special eco-gem you’ve been searching for!  Happy meaningful travels my friends!

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