Need some zen? Feeling frazzled? Brain needs a buzz?

by | Aug 12, 2012 | Loving Life, Products

Then why not try a modern take on play!

Let’s bring out the dough with a difference.

It’s called Mohdoh and it’s in Australia at last!  Infused with selected essential oils carefully controlled to ensure they are safe and effective.  Offering a unique range of therapies including aromatherapy, colour and play therapy – you could be buzzing to your next meeting or simply chilling by the fireplace in no time.

As a adult trainer/facilitator, I find our students of all ages love to have a ‘play’ while learning – it can help them focus and engage.

Using only the best ingredients and pure natural essential oils in safe amounts, you can trust that this will be safe for all the family.

If you want to know more, email me.

Now it’s time for me to unwind… with Mohdoh!

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