$150 can help feed 300 children!

by | Mar 27, 2012 | Events

As I sit here with my clean water, a hot cup of tea and a fridge filled with fresh food, I cannot fathom having nothing to eat or drink. Can you?

I just received a call from Plan who are raising emergency funds.  Just one donation can make a big difference.  This prompted me to write this post.

I was in Kenya several years ago.  I was at a supermarket and a man asked me if I could buy him some bones for a soup.  I said yes.  As we walked to the butchers I asked how he was doing.  He said he had been unemployed for some time and had a family of 5 children he needed to feed.  At the butchers I asked this man if there was anything else he needed and he said no, the bones would be enough.  I handed over the equivalent of $2 AUD and he had about 5 bones with a little bit of meat on them.  The kind of bones we give to our dogs.  We shook hands like it was a business deal.  I smiled.  He didn’t.  I will never forget his face – it was filled with pride and courage and sadness. Yet he wasn’t broken.

Plan is responding to the food crisis in East Africa where severe drought left millions of people without food and water.

If you want to help, following is a list of what your gold coins can do (why not open up that piggy bank?).  Please spread the word.






Plan is one of the oldest and largest children’s development organisations in the world. They work with communities in 50 developing countries and raise funds to support our work in 21 countries like Australia. By actively involving children, and working at a grassroots level with no religious or political agenda, they unite and inspire people around the globe to transform the world for children.


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