Life, Lockdown and Looking out for those in need

by | Aug 8, 2020 | Uncategorized

Since the last post, I’ve been living in Melbourne going through the roller-coaster of lockdown, the new norm. What a world we live in now!

A little recap – in March, I travelled from Lapland to London, then got a flight to Australia and landed in Perth for another 14-day quarantine. I was SO happy to be home but a little worried as I wasn’t allowed to leave the hotel room at all. I wasn’t sure about not getting fresh air for so long but I adapted. We were the first flight to have the mandatory hotel quarantine in Australia so there was a little confusion and some frustrations but I survived and days turned into almost two weeks. Then Qantas and Virgin cancelled flights from Perth to Melbourne so I had a few more challenges to deal with. Anxiety was up and down.

On Tuesday 14th of April – one month after my COVID-19 diagnosis, I finally returned home! I was so happy to see Melbourne city as I drove past from the airport.

Because I packed up my worldly possessions and put everything in storage, I had no home to go to so I moved in with my parents. I’m incredibly grateful for their love and support. I have a warm home and all that I need. And work started pouring in so I’ve been working hard since May!

I have spent some time writing about my experience and re-visiting diary notes. It’s quite cathartic and interesting to revisit your raw ‘real-time’ feelings. The roller-coaster of lockdown is challenging but I am fully aware of how blessed I am. I have so much to be thankful for. I know so many are doing it tough so I am doing as much as I can to help out too. Following are a few ways I’m supporting those in need:

  1. Sisterworks – a not-for-profit social enterprise, based in Melbourne. Their mission is to support women who are refugees, asylum seekers or migrants so they can improve their confidence, mental wellbeing, sense of belonging and economic outlook. I’ve purchased some gorgeous masks from here.
  2. 300 Blankets is dedicated to supporting people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Victoria. As a grassroots charity, your support will help them continue to provide critical services to those who are currently experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. Check out their site to find out more of what wonderful ways they help the community.
  3. Anonymous X is a registered charitable organisation based out of Port Melbourne, providing assistance for people experiencing homelessness in and around Melbourne. They appreciate donations and financial support. They recently created 100 Face Mask Care Packs (including Sisterworks masks, sanitiser, tissues and antibacterial wipes) and delivered them to those in need.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Be patient too. We are all in this together.

Peace, Miss Meaningful xx

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