Sarah McLachlan is an inspiration

by | Feb 4, 2012 | About, Loving Life

I really am inspired.

There are people who do one thing that makes a difference and empowers you.  This video did that for me.  It confirms to me that that we can think outside the square and make a difference. Sarah McLachlan, singer, songwriter and philanthropist.  Did you know that she created a free School of Music in America?  The school is for all children to have access to the beauty of learning music no matter what their circumstances.

So it’s not surprising that Sarah decided to spend only $15 on creating a video clip for her song “World On Fire”.  The remainder of the $150,000 video budget was distributed among eleven charitable organizations around the world including CARE, Engineers Without Borders, Help The Aged, Warchild, and Heifer International.

Check this clip out – not only is the song beautiful but the clip will open your heart and possibly make you think outside the square next time you spend that marketing budget.

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